It’s All Fun And Games, Or Is It?

BR Saiph
14 min readNov 25, 2023
Photo: Depositphotos

A Word From The Author: I just experienced an incredible Saturday night with @MrsBr_Saiph, one that was the culmination of many weeks of her firm and relentless masterful shaping of my psyche. It was so incredible (for me) that I want, no - I need to share it with everyone around me, but of course I can’t. So I hope you’ll humor me while I share it with you.

The problem is that it’s not easy to share, and I struggle with that when it comes to things like this. When I part the curtains and let others see the story within the story, it leaves me vulnerable. That’s the cost of sharing — vulnerability. As much as I want to show the positive and love-filled reality of the lifestyle I live, I cannot do that without allowing others a glimpse into my very private world. Personal moments that rock my world, that I just know will be forefront in my mind for years to come are just that, personal. Moments, that if I tried to explain them, most people would not only never understand, but would ridicule me for them. Moments that are beyond words that grip my soul and shape my devotion to the woman I love in ways that dreams are made of.

The funny thing is, for all my words and all my writing, I cannot find the words to describe how it made me feel then, or now. I only know it is powerful. While it is extremely likely it is yet just one more of the countless sexy games she…



BR Saiph

Erotica author who enjoys steamy sex, femdom, chastity, hotwives, cuckolding, and general naughty behavior.